Strategies for spending, costs and income in retirement
Julia participated in a panel discussion at the Globe and Mail: Money Matters event on June 20, discussing “income endurance” with several industry specialists. Her panel begins at 59:39.
Understand and Value Your Time
In this podcast published on
Growing Your Financial Business…The Woman’s Way, Julia Chung provides advice on how to make the most of your time to become successful.
How much has the pandemic hurt your retirement plans?
To see how much has COVID-19 has impacted retirement plans, Toronto Star delve into the retirement portfolios of two couples who were affected by the pandemic.
Design Thinking for Advisors
Advisor’s Edge features Julia Chung and her use of design thinking into Spring Plans work with clients. She shares her five step of design thinking and more.
Where Do I Save Next
Originally Published on Globe and Mail Darryl Brown 6 November 2019 Founder of You and Yours Financial and Spring’s Director of Portfolio Strategies, Darryl Brown, is featured in Globe and Mail’s article, I’ve maxed out my RRSPs and TFSAs while living in Canada’s...
The best way to generate cash from your investments in retirement?
Originally Published on Global News Erica Alini 28 September 2019 Author Erica Alini writes this article on Global News with the question: What’s the best way to generate cash from your retirement investments? Erica quotes financial experts Julia and Rona Birenbaum,...
Grow Their Wealth Episode One: Julia Chung
In this podcast interview, Julia details her journey of becoming a Financial Advisor and the CEO of two remote companies, and discusses the importance of building relationships with people based on Values.
How to Use Design Thinking to Revamp Your Finances
In this article originally published on Best Health Reader’s Digest, Julia Chung outlines her five steps for great financial decision making.
What to Expect from the upcoming 2020 Tax Season
CBC talks about the changes in the upcoming 2020 tax season, what to expect, and how we can prepare for it.
Second COVID-19 Wave and Parents’ Dilemma on Returning to Work
Globe and Mail features Sandi and her insights on the impact of the Second COVID-19 Wave to parents and women.
The Surprising Downside of a Sunny Retirement
If your residency is changing, it may affect how you’re taxed. Canada, for instance, has many residents that spend half the year in warmer parts of the U.S. “One of the issues there is when you’re considered a resident of most countries in the world, you have to file taxes there,” said Julia Chung. “We have a lot of Canadian residents who are just finding out that they’re supposed to file a tax return with the U.S. every year.”
First-Time Home Buyer Incentive: What You Need to Know
Originally Posted on Money SenseBy Tamar Satov6 September 2019 The First-Time Home Buyer Incentive (FTHBI) promises to help make real estate more affordable, but there’s a big catch: It’s a loan you have to repay with a share in your home’s growth in value. The...