2024 October Update

2024 October Update

The myth of perfection, fueled by social media, promotes an unrealistic standard that creates an all-or-nothing mentality. It hides real-life struggles, leading people to feel inadequate. True success is not perfection but resilience in overcoming setbacks.

2024 September Update

2024 September Update

Perfectionism can sabotage progress toward long-term goals. Instead of focusing on doing things perfectly, aim for continuity. Setbacks are inevitable, but with resilience, self-compassion, and small, consistent steps, long-term success becomes achievable. Embrace the journey, not perfection.

2024 August Update

2024 August Update

Criticism while still shaping an idea, can destroy creativity. When human beings are creating ideas, we can limit their willingness to participate. The yes, and… approach helps stay curious, creative, accepting, and takes us to incredible places we may not have otherwise visited.

2024 July Update

2024 July Update

Less fun, but really, really important, is talking about the stuff that makes us sad. Losing people we love, losing the ability to do the things we love, losing our health… these are things that are harder to talk about.

2024 June Update

2024 June Update

Tax can be annoying. The way the changes to the capital gains inclusion rate has been rolled out is even more annoying. Factoring in the limited time to consider options could all trigger an emotional decision that isn’t necessarily in your best interests.

2024 May Update

2024 May Update

Spring in Canadian finance is a thrilling time with RRSP and tax deadlines, plus the Federal Budget. Hopefully, you have been navigating this without stress, focusing on life amidst filing taxes and grasping the 2024 Budget’s implications on your life.

2024 April Update

2024 April Update

Getting serious about exiting your business? It’s crucial to plan for it, as eventual exits are inevitable. Addressing technical aspects is vital, and each situation demands thoughtful consideration. Remember, no one works or lives forever.

2024 March Update

2024 March Update

Making great financial decisions can be incredibly difficult given the noise in the world about what is “right” and “smart”. Great financial planning helps you determine which strategies and decisions make the most sense for YOU, so that you can experience your life, well spent.

2024 February Update

2024 February Update

You may say to yourself, “I don’t have a trust, those are only for billionaires. This won’t apply to me.” But wait… it might. The new trust requirements significantly impact the kind of trust that you didn’t realize was considered “a trust”.

2024 January Update

2024 January Update

It’s a new year, but remember: Time is a construct. The truth is, you can start your year whenever you want. If you thought the start of the year got away from you, let us reassure you that you can start right now.

2023 December Update

2023 December Update

Get ready for 2024 – a year promising more changes! While specifics are still a mystery (who doesn’t love surprises?), we’ve got insights, especially in the financial realm. Curious about what’s coming? Here’s a sneak peek into the future.

2023 November Update

2023 November Update

“Your life, well spent” is a constant work in progress. Your overall life design and all of your plans are of course subject to change as the world adjusts and changes around you. Here’s how we help you do just that.

2023 October Update

2023 October Update

The term “deadline” carries a grim history, contributing to the anxiety it evokes. Understanding why deadlines trigger anxiety can help to mitigate stress proactively. This fall and winter, let’s act to relieve stress and take action to embrace deadlines.

2023 September Update

2023 September Update

We want you to notice what is – and is not – resonating in your life. That means, that we need to pay attention. To think about what might make it even better… what “your life, well spent” could really look like.

2023 August Update

2023 August Update

Act upon the answers to your “why” question. Every activity you undertake, ask yourself: “What is the WHY behind this fulfillment?” Explore the link between your daily actions and fundamental motivations. Introspection is invaluable, and your future self will thank you.

2023 July Update

2023 July Update

Unleash your “why”! Understand your values, emotions, and aspirations. Reflect on what matters and reshape your path. Reconnect with purpose. Evaluate and align your “why” with choices. Embrace it to transform your life. Discover the power within.

2023 June Update

2023 June Update

How are you intentionally creating the best summer of 2023 possible? Let’s talk about what makes it great, and then think about how to pay for it.

2023 May Update

2023 May Update

Get ready to kickstart your summer planning! Explore our May update, which offers valuable insights to help you prioritize your plans for the remainder of 2023. Discover exciting ideas and tips to make the most of the upcoming months.

2023 April Update

2023 April Update

How does the Federal Budget 2023 impact you? We’ve been reading all about it since it came out March 28th, and have news for you about First Home Savings Accounts, RESPs, RDSPs, the Canada Dental Benefit, intergenerational business transfers and more. We tried not to make it boring.

2023 March Update

2023 March Update

Habits can run our lives to the point where we aren’t really sure what we want anymore. With more urgent and frankly interesting stuff in life than mindless habits, how do we move from boring habits to your best life?

2023 February Update

2023 February Update

Decision making is HARD. At Spring we help you create a framework for that decision making based on your own value system. Using this lens, you can identify the trade-offs you’re willing to accept, making decisions with confidence. Find out how, right here in our February update.

2023 January Update

2023 January Update

Now that the New Year is starting to settle in, it’s time for three reality checks to help you kick off 2023 with success. Learn what they are and how they can affect you and your financial plans.

2022 December Update

2022 December Update

While we’re always looking on the bright side of life, we also know it’s important to recognize what we’ve been through – and continue to go through – and give ourselves the opportunity to recover. You can’t keep running on empty forever.

2022 November Update

2022 November Update

While change is inevitable and constant, it does feel as though this year has brought us a bit more than usual, particularly with respect to our finances. We’ve experienced massive change when it comes to interest rates, with the Bank of Canada rate increasing from 0.25% in January to 3.75% in October.

2022 October Update

2022 October Update

On the off chance we don’t live forever, we need to plan for the alternative. And since we won’t directly benefit from the execution of those estate plans, we need a different kind of motivation to get the hard work done. That motivation is LOVE.

2022 September Update

2022 September Update

This month we’re deciphering what it really means to have balance. You know that challenges and curveballs are a guarantee, and we know that even with all that change, you can design your best life. Read on to find out how.

2022 August Update

2022 August Update

Design thinking continues to permeate all aspects of the work we do at Spring Plans – both with you and on our own. We’re making some changes thanks to our own thinking. Read all about it in this month’s update.

Quarterly Market Clinic

Quarterly Market Clinic

2021 has had a big impact on us, from our personal lives, to inflation, and our future financial planning. Watch this live webinar to hear Darryl’s recap.

2022 July Update

2022 July Update

Ah, beautiful Summer. It’s been a bit quiet around here and we couldn’t be happier about it. We believe Summer is the time to rest, relax, and reinvigorate so you have energy for the upcoming Fall. Join us as we chat about our R&R (reflection and reading, of course!).

2022 June Update

2022 June Update

Inflation is on everyone’s mind. How can you manage your finances through ambiguity and change? Also, we’ve got a big change on our team, ways to plan your summer, think about retirement, pick your investment manager, and help Ukrainians in crisis.