2023 March Update
Habits can run our lives to the point where we aren’t really sure what we want anymore. With more urgent and frankly interesting stuff in life than mindless habits, how do we move from boring habits to your best life?
Habits can run our lives to the point where we aren’t really sure what we want anymore. With more urgent and frankly interesting stuff in life than mindless habits, how do we move from boring habits to your best life?
Decision making is HARD. At Spring we help you create a framework for that decision making based on your own value system. Using this lens, you can identify the trade-offs you’re willing to accept, making decisions with confidence. Find out how, right here in our February update.
Now that the New Year is starting to settle in, it’s time for three reality checks to help you kick off 2023 with success. Learn what they are and how they can affect you and your financial plans.
While we’re always looking on the bright side of life, we also know it’s important to recognize what we’ve been through – and continue to go through – and give ourselves the opportunity to recover. You can’t keep running on empty forever.
While change is inevitable and constant, it does feel as though this year has brought us a bit more than usual, particularly with respect to our finances. We’ve experienced massive change when it comes to interest rates, with the Bank of Canada rate increasing from 0.25% in January to 3.75% in October.
On the off chance we don’t live forever, we need to plan for the alternative. And since we won’t directly benefit from the execution of those estate plans, we need a different kind of motivation to get the hard work done. That motivation is LOVE.